
Willie at Willie

It was a brisk, but sunny afternoon out at Williamstown this Saturday gone. Spectators and players alike would agree it was perfect lacrosse weather, and it was under these idealic settings that a modest, but dedicated crowd gathered to watch State League no. 1 play no. 2 – a match up that was sure to entertain. The crowd would not be disappointed (unless, of course, they were supporting the home side!).

Camberwell Lacrosse Junior "Lockdown" Competition

Camberwell Lacrosse Junior "Lockdown" Competition

Get involved in one or both of the following while lockdown lasts and keep those sticks in hand - the season will be back up and running soon!


Share a picture, short video or timelapse of yourself practising your lax skills during lockdown - stick tricks especially welcome!


Your design on the next club tee? Why not!
Winning design will receive a Camberwell hoodie as well as your design on our next junior tee.

U15 girls continue their winning ways

The sun shone brightly at Paisley Park in honour of a special memorial round for Sue Sofarnos and her beloved Newport. 

The CLXC U15Gs took to the field mid-morning - not a breath of wind. 

It was an intense matchup from the first whistle, with a strong attack from Maeve Weiss, Rhyannon Bergin & Grace Lewis. Cutting and weaving the teams were evenly matched with strong goals from Rhyannon to be 2-0 up at quarter break. Speedy runs through the centre by Siena Connaughton and Matilda Paradisis kept the momentum toward Camberwell/Caufield attack. 

Get Active Victoria vouchers

The Minister for Community Sport, Ros Spence, announced that applications for the Get Active Kids Voucher program have opened this week with $21 million in vouchers up for grabs as part of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program.

The program will support the delivery of up to 100,000 vouchers to support eligible kids get involved in organised sport and recreation activities by providing up to $200 towards the cost of membership and registration fees, sports equipment or uniforms (new or second-hand).

2021 Juniors Team Information

This coming weekend of 17th and 18th April is the first game for all teams except our State League teams. Please check the fixture in this Tribal Talk and note that most of our junior teams are combined teams.

All training will be at Eric Raven Reserve.

U13 Boys and U17 Boys will be Surrey / Camberwell teams. Home games will be a combination of Surrey (Mont Albert Reserve, Dunloe Ave, Mont Albert) and Camberwell. The boys will be predominantly playing in Surrey tops with red shorts.

Bendigo Bank supporting local clubs

With the COVID restriction gradually lifting, many organisations have launched initiatives to help Victorians return to sport.

Bendigo Bank has launched a Return to Community Sport grant program to assist with the additional costs in getting clubs up and running and meeting the requirements of the COVIDSafe Plan.

We are pleased to announce that Bendigo Bank has informed us that we have been successful in our application and been awarded $2,000.

Coaches Support Program

Coaching with the Camberwell Lacrosse Club

Almost all lacrosse players can remember their first coach. The person who introduced them to this wonderful game and coached them in their first season.

Coaches are a vital part of our club, and the sport, and we wouldn't survive without them. They are the generous people who give up their nights and weekends to ensure our players have the right support from the sidelines helping them in their development.

All of our junior coaches are volunteers, but in this day and age, the logistical and related costs our coaches do incur are not insignificant.

Volunteer of the Year 2020

Camberwell Lacrosse Club is a family-friendly community club and is proud of the commitment of volunteers who contribute to the Club operations.

Each month the Committee nominates a Volunteer of the Month and at the end of the year, the Club Volunteer of the Year is determined by the Committee.

Despite there being no official competition play in 2020, there were still a number of volunteers who made enormous contributions in maintaining contact with players through online and fun, active activities.

Season 2021 - here we come!

Dust off your boots, rinse your mouthguard and brush the cobwebs off your stick.

The 2021 lacrosse season is here!

We have all the details to get the season started.

Senior pre-season launch

The Senior Women and Senior Men will kick off the season with a social event at the Ashburton Bowls Club.

Date: Wednesday, 10th February

Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Cost: $20 on the night

2020 Summer junior lacrosse

Lacrosse Victoria is excited to announce a summer 2020 Junior 6v6 competition. This competition will be facilitated within all COVID-19 rules and regulations from State and Local Government. We hope to see you out on the grounds in a few weeks!


  • Junior Boys Saturday 14 November – Saturday 19 December
  • Junior Girls Sunday 15 November – Sunday 20 December



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