
Junior Recruiting

The future of our club is built on the foundation of its junior membership. With strong junior divisions, and the development of our juniors as they progress in the girls' and boys' teams, our senior membership numbers will remain healthy.

In 2008 club members have run introductions to lacrosse and practice sessions at local primary schools. Last week we also addressed the Glen Iris Cricket Club junior presentation evening. At the time of going to press, we are still working to build numbers in our under 12 boys' and under 13 girls' teams.


Subs for Seniors and Juniors are confirmed as follows:

- Standard: $235.00
- Students: $185.00

- U18 boys & U17 girls: $120.00
- U 16 boys & U15 girls: $100.00
- U12 & U14 boysU13 & U11 girls - $90.00
- Second junior child: $60.00

Registration and Subscription forms will be available at the Registration Day / Pre Season BBQ.

Winter Season and Pre-Season Training

The 2008 Winter season is due to begin on:
- Sunday 6 April for women and girls, and
- Saturday 12 April for men and boys.

Pre-season training has already started for senior men and women, with junior training to commence shortly.

Remember, no spikes are to be worn during pre-season training (only runners).

Australia Lacrosse Clinic

This is your chance to be coached by Australia's Best.

When: Sunday 15th March
Time: 9am - 1pm
Where: Altona Lacrosse Club
Paisley Park, Altona North

This clinic is for males and females of all ages.

You can turn up on the day as long as you bring your signed completed form and money with you to the clinic.



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