MILL - Melbourne Indoor Lacrosse League

Spring indoor 2023

MILL indoor lacrosse season restarts soon. There are a variety of options available to suit everyone.

Time: Monday Evenings
Location: Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre 
Season start: February 6th, 2023
Season length: 7-8 weeks (may include byes)

Contact us via 

What is the MILL?

The Melbourne Indoor Lacrosse League (MILL) is an indoor, modified lacrosse competition established in 1995 with the aims of:

  • providing a safe and enjoyable environment for players of both genders and any ability to play a non-contact form of indoor Lacrosse
  • providing an entry point for new players, allowing juniors to improve their skills and seniors to extend their playing involvement
  • showcasing the sport of lacrosse to the general public.


MILL League

Where and when?
The MILL competition runs year-round in 8-week season cycles. Games are played on a Monday evening between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm on indoor courts. The courts have a viewing gallery.

Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre
8 Warner Avenue
Melways: Map 60 E10

What do I need to play? 

A lacrosse stick, team uniform and non-marking sports shoes.

Are there different grades of ability?
Yes, there are currently two grades of competition, which cater for abilities from beginner to intermediate and advanced. Most teams have a mix of boys/girls/men/women and a player age range from 10 - 60 years.

I don't have a team, but want to play. Can you help?
Yes. You can be placed into an existing team, in a grade that best matches your current standard.

I've got some lacrosse-playing friends and am interested in entering a team. What do I do?

Contact the MILL Co-ordinator
Grant Hodder
Mobile: 0481 303 024