2022 season starts 9th April

The 2022 season is starting soon. The first game for all senior Camberwell teams is April 9th and 10th. All junior teams will commence on April 30th and May 1st.
Lookout for fixtures on the LV website which will be published soon.
Meanwhile, pre-season training for all Camberwell teams has now switched to Eric Raven Reserve. For combined teams, please check with your team manager for the training venue.
Key features of the 2022 fixture:
- Women's State League is starting early and finishing in June as many of the women head off for Australian duties at World Cup and World Games.
- Junior lacrosse starts on the same weekend as seniors but then has a two-week school holiday break (Easter and Anzac Day)
- Girls are not playing on mothers day, although senior women are.
- No games on Queens Birthday weekend